Archuleta School District #50 JT

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Archuleta School District 50 Jt.


              Required Financial Transparency              

Colorado Revised Statutes, 22-44-304

(Commencing July 1, 2024)

All documents above must be posted or updated within 60 days (30 days for waiver information) after completion or receipt of the applicable report, statement or document.
*Financial Data File for FY22-23 is required to be posted no later than March 1st, 2024. 


Disclaimer:  Please consider the context when evaluating financial transactions.  Some transactions may appear improper on the surface but are perfectly normal and justifiable when placed in the proper context.  We welcome your questions regarding our financial transactions or records.


Contact Information:

Eric Burt, Finance Director

P.O. Box 1498

Pagosa Springs, CO  81147

Phone:  (970) 264-2228 x 5412

Fax: (970) 264-4631

E-Mail:  [email protected]




Required Link: Colorado Department of Education School Finance Division for further information about school finance in Colorado.