Whole Child Supports
Archuleta School District is focusing attention around whole child supports because we know it will improve academic outcomes and is critical to achieving our vision that every child succeeds. We provide environments where students are healthy, supported, engaged, challenged, safe and socially and emotionally intelligent.
Our elementary and middle schools receive federal dollars that support the identification of students’ learning gaps and the acceleration of learning.
Special Education
ASD strives to ensure that all students with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education. We work hand in hand with the San Juan Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) to provide individualized evaluations, special education instruction and related services designed to meet students’ unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living.
Language and Cultural Equity
ASD is dedicated to engage, equip and empower English language learners/multilingual learners with the English language skills and cultural understanding they need to succeed academically as established by national and state standards for English language acquisition. Our ELL specialist serves English language learners/multilingual learners whose native or dominant language is not English. The district offers a K-12 program supporting the development of listening, reading, speaking and writing skills aligned to grade-level content instruction and language proficiency levels as measured by World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) Consortium’s assessment system.
Gifted & Talented
All gifted students in ASD are identified by their strength areas and needs. Educational programming is designed and implemented to match their identified needs. Student progress and achievement are monitored through standards based advanced learning plans. At different grade levels, coordinators of gifted students participate in professional development to increase knowledge, skills and understanding of gifted students and required instruction.
Transition Services
Post high school programs serve students who have completed the high school portion of their program of study, yet continue to have transition needs in the areas of employment, post-secondary education/training, independent living and community connections. Ms. Cyndi Figaro leads our transition program and offers concrete training at Mojo's coffee shop (Pagosa Springs High School). In addition, with the support of Aspen House, Ms. Figaro is able to offer transition experience through Froyo’s Frozen Yogurt Shop and through a computer-recycling program.
Colorado Department of Education Links: Colorado Academic Standards - Drama & Theatre Arts - Mathematics - Dance - Science -Reading, Writing & Commnicating - Social Studies - Comprehensive Health & Physical Education - Visual Arts - World Languages