Archuleta School District #50 JT

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Frequently Asked Questions

 Snow Day - What procedure does the district use to call a Snow Day/Delay?  Although Linda Reed, Archuleta School District Superintendent, makes the final decision on a school day delay or snow day, she does it after consulting Archuleta County Road and Bridge Department, the Colorado Department of Transportation, the district transportation department, weather information, and local superintendents.  The superintendent also contacts building principals and staff scattered throughout the district to inquire about county road conditions. Additionally, a team of district administrators drive major bus routes to determine safe passage of bus travel to and from school.  Considering severe winter weather also impacts regional schools superintendents from Dove Creek to Pagosa Springs network during storms to monitor weather patterns, road closures, and school closures.
District Calendar - How is the district calendar developed each year?  The district calendar is created from year to year by the District Calendar Committee.  The committee, composed of teachers and administrators from each of the district buildings, develop each year's school calendar with input from their building colleagues.  Once completed, the calendar is presented to the board for their approval.  In developing the calendar, committee members consider the state hourly requirement (1056 hours for middle and high school, 968 for elementary school), building scheduling needs, and co-curricular events. Traditionally the school year starts after Labor Day and ends around Memorial Day.
State Standards - What are the Colorado Academic Standards and why are they important?  The Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) are the expectations of what students need to know and be able to do at the end of each grade level. Standards give students and teachers a measure of achievement and expectation. Without standards the definition and level of competency would vary.  
District Name - What was the process in developing the district name? 
Archuleta School District 50 Jt. was consolidated in 1950 when the local one room school houses, spread throughout the county, were combined to a central location within the town of Pagosa Springs.  Because the schools were spread throughout the county, the district received its name after the county name rather than the town of Pagosa Springs.  While the original K-12 school building is used for 5th and 6th grade classrooms, Archuleta School District 50 Jt. has expanded to one elementary, middle, and high school all located in the Town of Pagosa Springs.
Testing Acronyms - What is NWEA, CMAS, NAEP, and WIDA mean? 
Throughout the school year parents hear or read these acronyms in reference to regional and state assessments.  While everyone in education understands these acronyms well, we understand these terms are unfamiliar to parents and community members.  Here is an explanation of these terms, the type, and their use in the district. 

District Logo - What is the meaning of the district logo?  The district's logo reflects its strategic framework and firm belief in educating the Whole Student.  Designed to be a hot air balloon in upward motion, the following emblems are contained on the balloon: a road, a shield, a light bulb, a mortar board, and a heart.  The road encourages students to make decisions that enhance their mental, emotional, and physical well-being.  The heart refers to a civic minded person, one who has the drive to contribute as a member of the community and working world. A recognized symbol for academic achievement, the mortar board, is the development of numeracy, literacy, and critical thinking skills to embrace an ever-changing world. The shield refers to a student's ability to manage time, collaborate with others, and become self-directed, life-long learners. Finally, the light bulb symbolizes grit and perseverance, the ability to manage professional risk, make connections, and learn from failure. 
State Marijuana Tax Monies - Doesn't the money from marijuana taxes go to kids and schools?  Although many votes were cast in favor of the legalization of recreational and medical marijuana in support of schools, marijuana taxes contribute $0 to school operational funds, the money that pays for teachers, books, and technology.  The marijuana tax law stipulates a maximum of $40 million goes into school construction -- this amount would barely cover the cost of building one school in a state with nearly 900,000 students.  Are you interesting in knowing how your tax dollars are spent?  Check out this great interactive website: A Balancing Act