Archuleta School District 50 Jt. understands the importance good assessments have on student learning and improved classroom practice. In recent years, there has been an increase in mandated testing serving state and federal accountability requirements. While Archuleta School District understands the importance of accountability, we also understand the impact increased and often meaningless assessments have on student motivation and learning. The following is a list of assessments the district is using along with information about the assessment and how the district is using it to benefit student and classroom growth.
SAT/ PSAT– Following 2017 legislation that replaced the ninth-grade assessments with one aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards as well as to the 10th-grade assessment, Colorado ninth-graders will take the PSAT as the statewide assessment in English language arts and math in the spring of 2018. The PSAT replaces the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) tests in those subjects for the ninth grade. Colorado’s 10th-grade students will continue to take the PSAT 10, and 11th-grade students will take the SAT.
CMAS – Colorado Measures of Academic Success – CMAS is a State of Colorado assessment. CMAS assesses reading and mathematics on a yearly basis in 3rd through 9th grade. Science is also assessed yearly at the 5th and 8th grade level. Social studies is assessed every three years in 4th and 7th grade. Access is a state required assessment for students identified in special education programs. Included under the CMAS umbrella is the 10th grade assessment PSAT and the 11th grade assessment SAT. These assessments are completed in a three week window in the month of April.
WIDA/Access – Unlike CMAS and NAEP which measures academic achievement, WIDA, a state assessment, measures student progress on mastery of the English language. Assessed early in the spring, students identified as English language learners are measured on their reading, writing, and speaking of the English language.
DIBELS – Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills is a state assessment required by CAP4Kids. CAP4Kids is state legislation aimed at the improvement of student reading skills. The goal of CAP4 Kids legislation is to have students proficient in reading by grade three. Started in kindergarten, this assessment measures student progress of early literacy skills from kindergarten through grade three. Students not meeting proficiency by grade level three continue to receive intervention through grades 4 and 5.
TS Gold – Although Teaching Strategies Gold is listed as an assessment, it is more of an observational tool used by the district’s kindergarten teachers. TS Gold, a state required observational tool, measures student’s developmental skills and readiness for learning. Completed on a daily basis throughout the school year, parents are able to observe their child’s developmental progress and help with needed developmental support.
NWEA – Northwest Evaluation Association is a district assessment, which is administered at the beginning and ending of the school year. The results of this assessment are used to inform classroom instruction and student learning. A nationally normed test, the results are also used to measure student academic growth and learning with their peers across the nation.